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Giulia Marro Quartet


1000 Trades, 16 Frederick St , Birmingham, West Midlands, B1 3HE


30 May 2025

| Doors open: 7:00 PM

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This quartet are led by rising star clarinet player and vocalist, originally from Northern Ireland, performing the music of her debut album; inspired by two of her favourite clarinet players Jimmy Giuffre and Barney Bigard, with influences from the swing era alongside the intricacies of Giuffre's arranging style. Giulia's playing is steeped in tradition inspired by the swing era and the composers of this time. This band bring swing to the forefront with unique arrangements of their music and also tunes they love by composers such as WC Handy, Duke Ellington and many more.

Line Up: Giulia Marro - clarinet, Alex Boulton - guitar, Tom Ward - piano & Ben Love - bass. 
