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Mad dog mcrea


The Jolly Farmer, 8 Market Street, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 2RB


13 Sep 2024

| Doors open: 8:00 PM

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{{getTotalBeforeDiscount()}} {{getTotal()}}

Mad Dog Mcrea blend a unique mixture of folk rock, pop, gypsy jazz, bluegrass and 'shake your ass' music. From self-penned songs of adventure, drinking, love and life, to traditional songs of gypsies, fairies, legless pirates and black flies - Mad Dog never fail to capture their audience with their infectious songs. In constant demand and having played just about every festival and two-bit, jibe-arsed dive in Christendom, Mad Dog Mcrea are, in every sense of the word, a live, band.

Matched with the unshakable dedication of their massive and "loyal-to-the-hilt", fan base - Mad Dog Mcrea are more than just a very popular, festival act - with five albums under their belts, they are serious and acclaimed recording artists too. During 2019 Mad Dog Mcrea will be in the studio recording a new album.

The famous purple happy bus is fired up and ready for action, and there's room for you - jump aboard!
